August 9, 2023

Customer Service: The Future is Human + AI, rather than Human vs. AI

Embracing the AI Revolution in Customer Service

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become more than just a trend; it's a revolution. As specialists in the DTC/Ecommerce space, we at Aventus have witnessed firsthand how AI has transformed the way businesses interact with their customers. It has brought speed, efficiency, and a new level of convenience that was previously unimaginable.

But as we marvel at the wonders of AI, we must also recognize the unique and irreplaceable human qualities that machines, as of yet, cannot replicate. While algorithms and data-driven responses have their place, there's a heart and soul to customer service that remains distinctly human. In this blog post, we will explore those essential human skills and compare them to the current strengths of AI, shedding light on the beautiful complexities of human intelligence in the field of customer support.

Where AI shines: Automation and Efficiency

AI's impact on customer service is profound and wide-reaching, affecting everything from real-time responses to personalized experiences. By leveraging intelligent algorithms and data-driven insights, it has transformed and streamlined many aspects of the industry, leading to more efficient operations and improved customer engagement. Let's take a closer look at these strengths and explore how they are reshaping the industry in more granular detail:

Speed and Availability

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are always on, ready to assist customers at any time of the day or night. Unlike human agents, who require rest and breaks, AI can provide continuous service. This ensures that no matter when a customer reaches out, they can receive an immediate response. This 24/7 availability not only enhances customer satisfaction but also caters to global audiences across different time zones.

Handling Simple Queries – Macros, Knowledge Bases, and FAQs Meet LLM-based Chatbots

One of AI's standout features in customer service is its ability to manage simple and frequently asked queries with ease. This capability is being enhanced through the integration of macros, knowledge bases, and FAQs with sophisticated Language Model-based (LLM) chatbots. Here's an overview of how this is done:

  • Macros: Macros are predefined responses that can be triggered by certain keywords or phrases from customers. When integrated with LLM-based chatbots, macros enable instantaneous and precise replies. For instance, if a customer asks about the status of their order or shipping fees, the chatbot can immediately provide a macro response detailing the relevant information.
  • Knowledge Bases: Knowledge bases are a company’s centralized repository of information that chatbots can access to answer customer queries. LLM-based chatbots are able to tap into this wealth of information, extracting relevant details to provide accurate and comprehensive answers. Whether it's a question about a product feature or a return policy, the chatbot can search the knowledge base and deliver the right information, with minimal intervention from a human supervisor.
  • FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are often used to address common customer inquiries. By leveraging LLM-based chatbots, these FAQs become dynamic and interactive. Instead of merely directing customers to a static FAQ page, the chatbot can engage them in a conversation, understanding their specific needs and guiding them to the most relevant answers.
  • The Role of LLMs: The integration of LLMs in chatbots allows for a more nuanced understanding of language. These chatbots can comprehend context, variations in phrasing, and even typos, making the interaction more fluid and human-like. This allows for more flexible and intuitive responses, bridging the gap between rigid automation and genuine human conversation.

The combination of these technologies allows businesses to handle a wide variety of simple queries efficiently, without sacrificing quality or accuracy. Customers receive instant, well-informed responses, while human agents are freed to focus on more complex and nuanced interactions.

Personalization at Scale

AI's ability to analyze vast amounts of data enables it to offer personalized experiences that were previously challenging to scale. By understanding customer behavior, purchase history, and preferences, AI can provide tailored recommendations, targeted promotions, and personalized user journeys. This creates a more engaging and relevant customer experience, turning interactions into unique and individualized encounters.


Implementing AI solutions can lead to significant cost savings. By handling high volumes of simple queries, AI reduces the need for repetitive and rote human labor in these areas. This allows businesses to reallocate resources to strategic growth initiatives or invest in enhancing other aspects of customer service. The result is a more cost-efficient operation that maintains high quality and responsiveness.

However, these strengths, while remarkable, only represent part of the customer service equation. AI's efficiency and automation capabilities have set new industry standards, but they also reveal gaps where the human touch is irreplaceable. The subtleties of empathy, understanding, adaptability, and creativity are qualities that AI still struggles to emulate.

As we continue, we will explore the distinct human skills that add depth and richness to customer service interactions, skills that highlight the unique value of human intelligence in an increasingly automated world.

Human Skill #1: Empathy and Understanding – The Heart of Customer Service

With the rise of LLMs, chatbots are now equipped with an increasing ability to mimic empathetic interactions. Algorithms can be designed to recognize certain keywords or emotional cues and respond with what seems like empathy. "I'm sorry to hear that" or "I understand your frustration" are typical responses that AI can produce. As long as you know you are talking to a chatbot, however, you know it –being a piece of software– isn’t actually “sorry to hear it”, which makes the empathetic words, if not completely hollow, not as meaningful as they would be coming from a human.

Imagine speaking to a friend about a difficult day. Their response, filled with genuine concern and understanding, creates a connection that makes you feel seen and heard. Now, contrast this with receiving a pre-scripted, albeit well-phrased, message from a machine. It might say the right words, but it can't feel your frustration, disappointment, or sadness.

This lack of true feeling is where AI falls short in the world of customer service. Customers, aware that they are interacting with a machine, may appreciate the efficiency but often find the 'empathetic' messages hollow. An AI system might be programmed to mimic empathy, but without the genuine human connection, it can feel superficial.

Human agents, on the other hand, can relate to the customer's experience and provide comfort in ways that feel sincere. Their empathy isn't a programmed response; it comes from their shared humanity. And in a world where technology is ever-present, this authentic human touch becomes not just a preference but a need.

The empathetic edge of human interaction remains a vital part of customer service that AI, despite its impressive mimicry, can't fully replicate. The ability to truly understand and connect with a customer isn't something that can be programmed—it's inherently human.

Human Skill #2: Expertise for Complex Queries – Beyond Algorithms

Expertise in handling complex queries extends far beyond mere data processing. It involves a nuanced understanding of a customer's unique situation, cultural background, and even the subtleties of their language. While AI has made remarkable strides in answering intricate questions, human agents excel in recognizing and responding to the underlying cultural and situational context.

Consider a scenario where a customer is seeking assistance in choosing the right product as a gift for a special cultural celebration. An AI might suggest popular or trending items based on data but might overlook the cultural significance and personal preferences involved. A human agent, on the other hand, can proactively ask relevant questions about the recipient's tastes, the nature of the celebration, and any specific traditions or customs associated with it. This enables the agent to provide a recommendation that is not only thoughtful but culturally appropriate and personally meaningful.

The ability to engage with customers, asking the right questions to fully grasp their situation, separates human agents from AI. While AI can be programmed with extensive data, it still misses the human touch of reading between the lines, of the nuances and subtleties of unique interactions.

Human Skill #3: Adaptability and Flexibility – The Human Touch

AI, with its boundless efficiency and data-driven approach, certainly has many strengths. It can quickly process standard queries and provide predetermined answers in a flash. But what happens when a customer has an unexpected request or a question that doesn't fit neatly into predefined categories? This is where AI can stumble.

Human agents have the remarkable ability to think on their feet. They can quickly assess a situation, understand the underlying emotions, and craft responses that are both thoughtful and personalized. They can pick up on subtle cues in a customer's tone of voice or choice of words, allowing them to tailor their approach and create a connection that feels genuine.

Consider a situation where a customer is frustrated with a delayed shipment. AI might provide a standard apology and the new expected delivery date. However, a human agent could empathize with the customer's disappointment, offer a personalized solution such as a discount on the next purchase, and engage in a brief conversation to lift the customer's spirits.

This ability to adapt and be flexible is a deeply human skill rooted in empathy, creativity, and a genuine understanding of people. It’s about recognizing that no two customers are the same, and neither are their needs. That's not to say that AI doesn't have a role to play here. AI can assist human agents by quickly providing information and automating routine tasks, allowing humans to focus on what they do best: connecting with customers on a personal level.

Human Skill #4: True Brand Representation – Authenticity Matters

Customers often seek a connection that goes beyond mere transactions. People crave connections with other people who resonate with their preferences and provide a level of understanding they can truly relate to. When human agents communicate, they can share personal insights or stories that resonate with the customer’s experience of the brand's identity. This creates a more authentic and trusting relationship with customers. AI, in its current state, cannot genuinely have preferences or embody passion for a brand it identifies with, so any demonstrations of these can come across as inauthentic mimicry.

AI, with its current technology, can efficiently handle queries, follow brand guidelines, and personalize responses. However, it lacks the ability to infuse those responses with real passion coming from authentic identification with the –often intangible– qualities a brand stands for. While AI can respond according to a predetermined brand tone of voice, it cannot genuinely understand or convey the subtle emotions or cultural nuances that make a brand unique.

True brand representation goes beyond mere scripted responses and automated procedures. At Aventus, our approach to selecting customer service representatives (CSRs) emphasizes alignment with the client brand's unique personality and core values. Rather than merely ticking a box for 'phone answering coverage,' we diligently seek out agents who embody the brand's ethos. Through this thoughtful and intentional CSR selection, the positive impact on customer service becomes tangible. Customers leave interactions with the satisfying impression that the company genuinely cares about their experience. This feeling, in turn, prompts them to pass on that positive impression to others, creating a virtuous cycle that reinforces brand loyalty and trust.

Human Skill #5: Turning Challenges into Opportunities – Creativity in Action

Our inherent creativity allows us to think outside the box. A complaint or issue can become a chance to deepen customer relationships, provide unexpected solutions, and even upsell or cross-sell products. Unlike AI, which is programmed to follow specific guidelines and can only provide predetermined solutions, human agents can tap into their creativity to come up with unique and personalized resolutions.

AI algorithms are efficient at handling straightforward tasks but struggle when dealing with multi-layered problems that require understanding the broader context. Human agents can take into consideration various factors such as customer history, emotions, and the underlying cause of the issue. They can then craft strategies that not only solve the immediate problem but potentially turn a dissatisfied customer into a loyal advocate.

The algorithms and data-driven decisions that AI relies on are yet to match the creative ingenuity, emotional understanding, and holistic approach that human agents can bring to problem-solving.

Conclusion: Towards a Future Where AI Empowers, Not Replaces

In the ever-evolving world of customer service, particularly in the bustling sphere of DTC/Ecommerce, it's easy to become enamored with the potential of AI. Its strengths are apparent, offering unparalleled efficiency, automation, and the ability to handle repetitive tasks with ease. But as we've explored, there are still human skills that AI can't match, at least not yet.

These skills —empathy, expertise in complex queries, adaptability, true brand representation, and the art of turning challenges into opportunities— are subtle and nuanced. They involve creativity, understanding, and the ability to connect on a deeply human level. While AI is continuously improving, it's these human touches that make all the difference in a truly remarkable customer experience.

So what does this mean for the future of customer service? It signals a shift towards a synergy between human and AI, a partnership where each plays to its strengths. This isn't a battle between man and machine but a collaboration.

Imagine a future where AI handles the routine, allowing human agents the time and space to engage where they truly shine. A future where machines learn from human creativity and intuition, and humans leverage AI's efficiency to enhance their effectiveness. It's a future where AI doesn't replace but empowers.

At Aventus, we see this not as a distant dream but a practical roadmap. By understanding both the potential and the limitations of AI, we're uniquely positioned to blend technology with the irreplaceable warmth of human interaction. We believe in harnessing the best of both worlds, creating a customer service experience that's not just innovative but genuinely resonant.

The road ahead is exciting and filled with possibilities. Together, human skills and AI technology are writing a new chapter in customer service, one where empathy meets efficiency, complexity meets automation, and challenges become opportunities. It's a future we're ready to embrace, and we hope you'll join us on this incredible journey.

In the end, it's not about choosing between human or AI but finding the perfect balance where each complements the other. The future of customer service lies in this harmonious blend, and we at Aventus are committed to leading the way.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. If you are interested in building a remote Customer Service workforce, we can help you! It doesn’t matter whether you’re just starting your search or already have experience with remote work, get in touch, we’ll be glad to listen and create remote Customer Service solutions together.